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Sprout Osteopaths

Kaitllin Newman

Kaitlin is passionate about providing high quality osteopathic care to the whole family. She is a rational, intuitive and empathetic person. She has further training in the treatment of babies, children and women’s health.

Kaitlin trained at Victoria University in Melbourne. Since then she has worked at a busy regional clinic in Cairns and a multidisciplinary clinic in Brisbane city. In 2022 she returned from living in Vancouver, Canada, where she worked in an integrative fertility clinic alongside specialist practitioners. In addition she worked at a paediatric focused osteopathy clinic where her love of treating the younger population flourished.

Kaitlin enjoys treating people throughout the pregnancy journey and beyond. She is a big advocate for empowering her clients as a healthcare provider.

Kaitlin has undertaken further study in Paediatrics, Women’s Health, Pregnancy and Post-natal Care. She has also completed training in Visceral Manipulation and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. 

In 2023 Kaitlin and her husband relocated to Perth for the weather, lifestyle and people they have heard such wonderful things about.

Lucy Morris

Lucy is passionate about providing quality osteopathic care to whole families, in all stages of life. She has extensive training in the treatment of babies, children and women’s health.

Lucy trained at Victoria University in Melbourne, undertaking a mentorship in Auckland with a highly regarded and experienced cranial osteopath upon graduation. It was here that she developed a passion for treating babies and children. Through this experience, Lucy realised promoting optimal child health often starts in utero, which fostered her love of treating the pregnant mother.

Lucy obtained a Diploma of Paediatric Osteopathy (DPO) at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London. During this time, Lucy gained invaluable experience working at a paediatric focused Osteopathic clinic on the highly regarded Harley Street strip in London. She was also lucky enough to provide osteopathic treatment to many in the UK music industry.

Lucy has also undertaken further study in Women’s health Osteopathy, as well as post graduate courses in Osteopathy in the Cranial field and Biodynamic Osteopathy. Lucy has also recently taken on a teaching role with the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation of Australia and NZ.